Missing Horses and Theft Attempts Made in Virginia
These sightings are from a message group I belong to. I have not checked out the info as of this date but the content should concern people in Virginia and surrounding states.
************************************************** GOOD NEWS! THESE HORSES HAVE BEEN LOCATED... Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 9:22 AM To: Foxhunters Online Subject: MISSING FIELDHUNTERS IN MANAKIN-SABOT, VIRGINIA
On Saturday morning, May 25, two of Susan Monticelli's horses were stolen from their pasture in Manakin-Sabot, Virginia. Both are draft-cross geldings around 16 or 16.2 hands--one is a black and white pinto named Paisley, the other is sorrel with a flaxen mane and tail name Timothy (he has typical Belgian cross coloring). This is the best description that I can give at this time, but hopefully Susan can post more later and give a more detailed description.
The barn owner thought that the truck and trailer that she saw that morning was Susan's, and thus was not concerned and did not call her. Susan just discovered this morning that the horses were stolen.
If you have any information and/or come across any horses meeting these descriptions, please contact the Goochland County Sheriff's Department. Susan should be in the process of getting in touch with them as I type this.
I am going to try to find photos of the horses that can be posted for viewing. The Marshall, Virginia auction is the 2nd Saturday of the month (June 8th), and Susan says that there is an auction at Frying Pan Park on June 15th. If the horses are not found before then, she's going to check out those auctions. If anyone knows the schedule of the New Holland auction in Pennsylvania, please e-mail me directly at jtalcott@va.prestige.net.
Thanks for your help in trying to recover these horses!
Jennifer Thomas Alcott Spotsylvania, Virginia jtalcott@va.prestige.net
********************* Horse Thieves Date: 05/24/2002 From: beverlyd@spectrum-systems.com (Beverly Dickerson)
Please pass around and share any info you might have.
-----Original Message----- From: Jane Divine [mailto:jdivine@bdlaw.com] Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 12:43 PM
Hope you are not experiencing this in Fairfax, but I just was informed by Julie Mathis (who you may or may not know) that there is now a rash of horse stealing going on in the Nokesville area. Apparently the thieves were almost caught recently by an observant woman who saw them having trouble loading a horse in the middle of the night, on the side of the road. She notified the police, and went back to keep an eye on things. Ultimately, the thieves gave up on loading the horse and simply drove off leaving the animal in the road! Where they had cut the fence, two others escaped, so the woman and the police were left with three horses running around on the road (Williams Rd or something similar sounding). Julie said the thieves take the horses to an auction site a day or so prior to the advertised auction and claim their vehicle broke down and they need to sell the horses in order to get their vehicle repaired.
B.J. Divine jdivine@bdlaw.com 202/789-6127
And one near the Manassas Battlefield at the end of April
(A horse place in the Manassas/Gainesville/Centreville area ALMOST had a horse stolen Friday pm / Sat am (Apr 27/28). The horse was found in the field Sat am with a rope around it's neck. It was a young horse and got spooked by strangers in the field and got away,--when found in the field in the morning, the horse was really scared, but physically okay--wouldn't go to the man owner, but would go to the woman owner......pass it on by word of mouth for now.)
Stephanie J. Malevich 400 E Broad Street Falls Church VA 22046-3505 w/ 703 534 0833 h/703 534 1963 c/703 401 5341